Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Simpsons documentary analysis

Genre Analysis

The Simpsons Documentary


  • Visual montages to create a lot of B-roll footage in a short time
  • The rule of thirds has been used in interviews
  • Medium close ups have also been used within interviews
  • Use of talking heads in interviews
  • There are establishing shots that represent the Simpsons


  • It is driven by a narrator that we see throughout the documentary 
  • Extensive use of audible montages
  • The Simpsons theme tune is used a lot throughout the documentar
  • An atmospheric drone to the sound bed
Mise en scene:
  • The interviews are  internal with backgrounds that relate to the documentary 

  • Cross dissolves
  • Use of cross cuttings between A and B roll footage
  • Cut aways
  • Fade to blacks
  • Themes:
  • The Simpsons
  • Music
  • Actors
  • Special Anniversaries 

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