Tuesday 25 September 2012

Initial plans

Beauty documentary.

Initial plans.

The title of my documentary will be:
  • My target audience would be college students, I want to find out who uses beauty products and why. I wouldnt have an age barrier on my target audience as people are now using beauty products at a younger age.

  • The channel I would want my documentary to be on is channel 4. this is because alot of documentaries have been on this channel and have had alot of views. Other documentaries that have been succcesful on this channel include Coppers and the 9/11 documentaries. i think that this channel would be relevant for my documentary to be featured.

  • The schedule that i would want my show to be on is around 20:00pm on a monday, I believe this is a good time for younger people to be able to see the documentary and see the negatives aswell as the posatives of using these products aswell as getting cosmetic surgery, So i believe the younger generation should be able to watch and find out more.

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