Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Meth Epidemic Analysis

                                                                Genre Analysis

The documentary is about the Meth epidemic, it involves elements of investigation and it is enigmative. It is structured around peoples views on the drug and its side effects.

· Visual montages are used to create a lot of B-roll footage
· Abstract Enhancing shots
· There is use of talking heads with interviews of users and experts on the drug
· The Rule of thirds has also been used in the interviews
· Extreme close ups and medium close ups for interviewees
· There are plenty of abstract establishing shots that represent the USA
· There is an extensive use of audible montages
· It is driven by a narrator which gives the documentary a flow, therefore making it easier for the audience to follow
· There is an atmospheric drone as the sound bed
· Use of sirens signifying criminal activity
Mise en scene:
· The talking head shots are external with trees and woodland as a back drop
· Paraphernalia
· Cross dissolves
· Fade to blacks
· Cut aways
· Use of cross cutting between A and B roll footage
· Huge emphasis on cut aways to enhance shots
· The themes in this documentary include:
·      Drugs
·      Addiction
·      Criminality
·      Law and legislation
·      Abuse, including drug abuse and child abuse

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