Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Simpsons documentary analysis

Genre Analysis

The Simpsons Documentary


  • Visual montages to create a lot of B-roll footage in a short time
  • The rule of thirds has been used in interviews
  • Medium close ups have also been used within interviews
  • Use of talking heads in interviews
  • There are establishing shots that represent the Simpsons


  • It is driven by a narrator that we see throughout the documentary 
  • Extensive use of audible montages
  • The Simpsons theme tune is used a lot throughout the documentar
  • An atmospheric drone to the sound bed
Mise en scene:
  • The interviews are  internal with backgrounds that relate to the documentary 

  • Cross dissolves
  • Use of cross cuttings between A and B roll footage
  • Cut aways
  • Fade to blacks
  • Themes:
  • The Simpsons
  • Music
  • Actors
  • Special Anniversaries 

Tuesday 25 September 2012


audience feedback

newspaper advertisment production

drafting newspaper advertisement

codes and conventions of newspaper advertisements

codes and conventions of radio trailers

voice over recording

Scripting voice over


Edit decision list





Running order

Research for documentary

Formal proposal for documentary

Brainstorm of content for documentary

Brainstorming for content

  • I want my target audience to be age 15 and above, i think this is a good age to have as girls from this age on begin to wear make up and learn about the worl of beaty products and modification.
  • Interviews with beauty therepists from a stocton heath salon.
  • Interviews with younger girls and find out if the wear make up.
  • Interviews with the older generation and find out their views on the topic.
  • Find out why they wear make up.
  • What they know about the possatives and negatives of beauty modification.
  • Cut away shots of beauty products
  • Cut aways of salons
  • Cut aways of shops

Target audience research - Questionnaire

1.  How old are you?                                            
2.  Do you wear makeup?                     Yes  /  No
3.  What is your favourite makeup product?                                                            
4.  At what age is it ok for girls to wear makeup?                                                     
5.  Do you feel self conscious if you leave the house without makeup on?            Yes  /  No
6.  How often do you dye your hair?
     >1 MONTH
       1-3 MONTHS
       4-6 MONTHS
       7-12 MONTHS
       1-2 YEARS
7.  Do you use any tanning products or the sun beds regularly?
        TWO WEEKS
8.  Do you agree with underage people using the sunbeds?             Yes  /  No
9.  Have you or do you know anyone who has aver had cosmetic surgery      Yes  /  No
10.  Would you ever consider having cosmetic surgery?           Yes  /  No
11.  Do you think the media pressures young girls to look good?      Yes  /  No
12.  Have you ever visited a beauty salon and had a beauty treatment?     Yes  /  No

Initial plans

Beauty documentary.

Initial plans.

The title of my documentary will be:
  • My target audience would be college students, I want to find out who uses beauty products and why. I wouldnt have an age barrier on my target audience as people are now using beauty products at a younger age.

  • The channel I would want my documentary to be on is channel 4. this is because alot of documentaries have been on this channel and have had alot of views. Other documentaries that have been succcesful on this channel include Coppers and the 9/11 documentaries. i think that this channel would be relevant for my documentary to be featured.

  • The schedule that i would want my show to be on is around 20:00pm on a monday, I believe this is a good time for younger people to be able to see the documentary and see the negatives aswell as the posatives of using these products aswell as getting cosmetic surgery, So i believe the younger generation should be able to watch and find out more.



Ideas for documentaries.

1: Tattoo documentary.
  • I want to find out why people get tattoos.
  • If the tattoos that they have mean something special to them.
  • What tattoos they have.
  • How many tattoos they have.
  • If they are interested to get more and why.
  • What triggered themselves to get their first tattoo and at what age.

2: Music documentary.

  • What music do people like.
  • What interests them in that music
  • Who influenced them, if anyone, to listen to this type of music.
  • Who their favourite artist is.

3:Art documentary.
  • What type of art people are interested in.
  • Who their favourite artist is, if they have one.
  • If they study art at college or school.
  • What intrested them in studying this subject
  • What their favourite type is (drawing/Painting)

4: University documentary.
  • Do they want to go to university.
  • If they fees change their mind.
  • If they have a job to support them throughout their universtiy life.
  • If they understand how university works.
  • What course they would be interested in taking.
  • If this course would be relevent to their job goals in the future.

5. Beauty Documentary.
  • Do they wear makeup.
  • What is their favourite makeup product.
  • How often do they dye their hair.
  • Do they feel self conscious without make up on.
  • What age is it ok for girls to wear makeup
  • Do they use the sun beds or wear fake tanning products.
  • Cosmetic surgery.

The Meth Epidemic Analysis

                                                                Genre Analysis

The documentary is about the Meth epidemic, it involves elements of investigation and it is enigmative. It is structured around peoples views on the drug and its side effects.

· Visual montages are used to create a lot of B-roll footage
· Abstract Enhancing shots
· There is use of talking heads with interviews of users and experts on the drug
· The Rule of thirds has also been used in the interviews
· Extreme close ups and medium close ups for interviewees
· There are plenty of abstract establishing shots that represent the USA
· There is an extensive use of audible montages
· It is driven by a narrator which gives the documentary a flow, therefore making it easier for the audience to follow
· There is an atmospheric drone as the sound bed
· Use of sirens signifying criminal activity
Mise en scene:
· The talking head shots are external with trees and woodland as a back drop
· Paraphernalia
· Cross dissolves
· Fade to blacks
· Cut aways
· Use of cross cutting between A and B roll footage
· Huge emphasis on cut aways to enhance shots
· The themes in this documentary include:
·      Drugs
·      Addiction
·      Criminality
·      Law and legislation
·      Abuse, including drug abuse and child abuse