Wednesday 17 October 2012

Tattoo artist Butterfly - documentary analysis

Tattoo Documentary Analysis.

This documentary is about a woman who didn't really know about what she wanted to do in life then one day she found a man who does tattoos by hand and allowed her to try on herself, Now she does them for a living,

  • Visual montages to show tattoos
  • Medium close up of woman 
  • Close ups of woman doing the tattoos
  • Abstract enhancing shots
  • Extensive use of Audiable montages
  • The woman is telling her story throughout therefore she is her own narrator
Mise en scene: 
  • She is doing tattoos as she tells us her story , she is in a  tattoo studio but that is not very recognizable
  • Paraphernalia 
  • Cross dissolves
  • Cutaways of tattoos 
  • Cutaways of people with their tattoos
  •  Fade to blacks
  • Emphasis on cutaways to enhance shots
  • Career choices
  • Tattoos
  • Life goals

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