Wednesday 17 October 2012

Lost in transgender - documentary analysis

Lost in transgender.

Documentary about how society see transgender and how people understand it.

  • Long shots of girl singing
  • Long shots of cut away clips 
  • Medium close up of Gary Barlow's reactions to the 'lady boy'
  • Rule of thirds used in interviews
  • Medium close ups in interviews
  • Driven by the narrator
  • Music throughout to fit the subject matter
Mise en scene:
  • Talking head shots are internal with interview techniques thought out
  • Paraphernalia
  • Cut aways 
  • Cut aways of interview
  • Fade to blacks
  • Use of cross cutting between A and B roll footage
  • Themes in this documentary include
  • - transgender
  • -understanding the matter

Tattoo artist Butterfly - documentary analysis

Tattoo Documentary Analysis.

This documentary is about a woman who didn't really know about what she wanted to do in life then one day she found a man who does tattoos by hand and allowed her to try on herself, Now she does them for a living,

  • Visual montages to show tattoos
  • Medium close up of woman 
  • Close ups of woman doing the tattoos
  • Abstract enhancing shots
  • Extensive use of Audiable montages
  • The woman is telling her story throughout therefore she is her own narrator
Mise en scene: 
  • She is doing tattoos as she tells us her story , she is in a  tattoo studio but that is not very recognizable
  • Paraphernalia 
  • Cross dissolves
  • Cutaways of tattoos 
  • Cutaways of people with their tattoos
  •  Fade to blacks
  • Emphasis on cutaways to enhance shots
  • Career choices
  • Tattoos
  • Life goals

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Target audience research - pie chart results

Pie Chart Results.

Target Audience Research- Questionnaire Results

Questionnaire Results.

1.  How old are you?
  •        17, 16, 17, 16, 17, 17, 17, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 16, 17, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 16, 19, 18, 18, 17

2.    Do you wear make up?
  •   Y – 2
  •  N – 3
3.     At what age is it ok for girls to wear make up?
  •    10, whenever, 15, 12,13, 14, 13, 13, 14, 14, 12 13, 12, 15,14 13,13,14,15,13,14,13,12,13,14,15,16,11,12,16

4.   Do you feel self conscious if you leave the house without make up on?
  •  Y- 22
  • N- 8
5.   How often do you dye your hair?     
  • >1 = 5
  • 1-3 = 10
  • 4-6 = 7
  • 7-12 = 4
  • 1-2 = 4
6.  Do you use tanning products or use the sun beds regularly?      
  • Weely –  11
  • Fortnight – 4
  • Monthly – 11
  • Never  – 4
7.   Do you agree with underage people using the sun beds?   
  •  Y –20
  • N – 10
8.   Have you or do you know of anyone who has ever had cosmetic surgery?  
  • Y – 10
  • N – 20
9.   Would you ever consider having cosmetic surgery?
  •     Y – 13
  • N – 17
10.   Do you think the media pressures young girls to look good?
  •  Y – 27
  • N- 3
11.  Have you ever visited a beauty salon and had a beauty treatment?
  •   Y – 24
  • N – 6

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Lock up Raw analysis

Genre Analysis

Lock up raw

  • Medium close ups
  • long shots
  • rule of thirds used in interviews
  • visual montages to represent criminal activity in the prisons
  • Atmospheric drone to the sound bed
  • Short clips to relate to the subject matter

  • cross dizolves
  • Cut aways
  • A and B roll footage
  • fade to blacks
  • Criminal activity
  • Prisons
  • Police

Monday 1 October 2012

One Inch Punch Documentary

Documentary Analysis.

One Inch Punch.


  • The rule of thirds has been used throughout interviews
  • Medium close ups in interviews
  • Long shots throughout clips of the one inch punch
  • Visual montages of B roll footage


  • It is not driven by a narrator but through interviews
  • It has an atmospheric drone to the sound bed
  • Short clips throughout create the sound that continues throughout the documentary

Mise en scene:

  • Interviews are internal 
  • Short clips of previous competitions that include the one inch punch


  • Fade to blacks
  • Cut aways 
  • Cross cuttings between A and B roll footage
  • huge emphasis of cut aways to enhance shots


  • Competition
  • Sport